Friday, March 27, 2009

Federal Reserve Tour


Learn about tours and exhibits at the New York Fed.


The New York Fed may close to the public at any time if heightened security is needed. Visitors to the New York Fed must show an officially issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport, and go through scanning equipment to enter the building. Cameras or camera phones may not be used in our facilities. If tours are cancelled, we make every effort to contact visitors in advance. For most current information, contact the Public Affairs Department at (212) 720-6130.


The Gold Vault
Resting 50 feet below sea level, on the solid bedrock of Manhattan island, the Fed’s vault contains billions of dollars worth of gold. Learn about the history of gold and find out about the unique role of the New York Fed in storing and safeguarding the precious metal. Reservations required ››

FedWorks: Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve System
Learn about the central banking functions of the Federal Reserve System through our interactive, multimedia exhibit called FedWorks. Designed as an educational tool, FedWorks allows visitors to participate in monetary policy simulations and to learn about the Fed's role in the economy.

Drachmas, Doubloons and Dollars: The History of Money
This exhibit, co-sponsored by the American Numismatic Society, marks the first time that the Society's most valuable coins and medals have been brought together for the public to view. On display at the Fed are more than 800 examples from the Society's noted collection of one million forms of currency used worldwide and spanning three millennia of history.

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